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Public Ad blocking DNS (AdGuard Home)

I’m running an ad blocking DNS server for everyone to use!

INFO: My DNS server un­for­tu­nately broke re­cently and will be down for an un­known amount of time, un­til then I can highly sug­gest you to use NextDNS in­stead. It is free for up to 300,000 querys per month and al­lows you to eas­ily con­fig­ure it your­self. (This is my per­sonal rec­om­men­da­tion, and not a paid spon­sor­ship.)
(I will be hold­ing onto the IP ad­dress to pre­vent any po­ten­tial abuse)

I wanted an easy so­lu­tion to block­ing ads and track­ing on all my de­vices and ad­guard DNS did­n’t block quite enough for me, so I de­cided to run my own AdGuard Home server. Sharing is car­ing, which is why I’ve de­cided to make my server avail­able for every­one!

Skip to set-up in­struc­tions


My DNS server is lis­ten­ing on the fol­low­ing ad­dresses:

It is hosted in Central Europe and might be no­tice­ably slower out­side Europe.

Reporting is­sues & con­tribut­ing

You can re­port any is­sues you may en­counter (broken sites/​apps, un­blocked ads, etc) via GitHub. Contributions to the scripts and lists used to com­pile the mega­l­ist are wel­come on GitHub as well!

Replicating my setup

You can eas­ily set up your own server with the same fil­ters some­where closer to you, or even on your pri­vate net­work by sim­ply fol­low­ing these steps:

  1. Install AdGuard Home
  2. Go to the Filters tab and add my com­piled mega­l­ist from
  3. Enjoy ✌️

Set it up on your de­vices


This setup will au­to­mat­i­cally cover all the de­vices con­nected to your home router, and you will not need to con­fig­ure each of them man­u­ally.

  1. Open the pref­er­ences for your router. Usually, you can ac­cess it from your browser via a URL (like http://​ or http://​ You may be asked to en­ter the pass­word. If you don’t re­mem­ber it, you can of­ten re­set the pass­word by press­ing a but­ton on the router it­self. Some routers re­quire a spe­cific ap­pli­ca­tion, which in that case should be al­ready in­stalled on your com­puter/​phone.
  2. Find the DHCP/DNS set­tings. Look for the DNS let­ters next to a field which al­lows two or three sets of num­bers, each bro­ken into four groups of one to three dig­its.
  3. Enter (and 2a03:b0c0:3:d0::5f18:6001 if there is an IPv6 op­tion) there


  1. From the Android Menu home screen, tap Settings’
  2. Tap Wi-Fi on the menu. This will show a list of all of the avail­able net­works (it is im­pos­si­ble to set cus­tom DNS for mo­bile con­nec­tion)
  3. Long press the net­work you’re con­nected to, and tap Modify Network’
  4. On some de­vices, you may need to check the box for Advanced’ to see fur­ther set­tings. To ad­just your Android DNS set­tings, you will need to switch the IP set­tings from DHCP to Static.’
  5. Change DNS 1′ and DNS 2′ val­ues to

If you’re on Android 9 or newer you’ll prob­a­bly want to use DNS-over-TLS in­stead


  1. From the home screen, tap Settings’
  2. Choose Wi-Fi’ in the left menu (it is im­pos­si­ble to con­fig­ure DNS for mo­bile net­works)
  3. Tap on the name of the cur­rently ac­tive net­work
  4. In the DNS field en­ter


  1. Click on Apple icon and go to System Preferences.’
  2. Click on Network’
  3. Select the first con­nec­tion in your list and click Advanced.’
  4. Select the DNS tab and add


  1. Open Control Panel through Start’ menu or Windows search.
  2. Go to Network and Internet’ cat­e­gory and then to Network and Sharing Center.’
  3. On the left side of the screen find Change adapter set­tings’ and click on it.
  4. Select your ac­tive con­nec­tion, right-click on it and choose Properties.’
  5. Find Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP)’ in the list, se­lect it and then click on Properties’ again.
  6. Choose Use the fol­low­ing DNS server ad­dress­es’ and en­ter there.
  7. Find Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IP)’ in the list, se­lect it and then click on Properties’ again.
  8. Choose Use the fol­low­ing DNS server ad­dress­es’ and en­ter 2a03:b0c0:3:d0::5f18:6001 there.

DNS Privacy

Please note that en­crypted DNS pro­to­cols are sup­ported only on Android 9. So you need to in­stall ad­di­tional soft­ware for other op­er­at­ing sys­tems.

Here’s a list of soft­ware you can use.


  • Android 9 sup­ports DNS-over-TLS na­tively. To con­fig­ure it, go to Settings → Network & in­ter­net → Advanced → Private DNS and en­ter your do­main name there.
  • AdGuard for Android sup­ports DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS.
  • Intra adds DNS-over-HTTPS sup­port to Android.


Other im­ple­men­ta­tions

This guide is based on the AdGuard Home Getting Started Guide