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I bet you do, but you prob­a­bly won’t ad­mit it. Maybe not even to your­self. It’s hard to ac­cept your own prob­lems, your own im­per­fec­tion, the im­per­fec­tion of your life. But still I am 100% cer­tain that you can do it!

A lot of peo­ple I know, some of them re­ally close friends to me have been trough all kinds of shit, I my­self have aswell. I learned a lot on my way and I am try­ing to help as many peo­ple as I pos­si­bly can. I’ll try to write down some of my ex­pe­ri­ences in this post and more might fol­low.

Trust your­self

Trust your­self. Your emo­tions. They are there to tell you what you feel, so you should lis­ten to them. Listen. Do you hear it? Do you even re­ally know your­self? Get to know your­self, your feel­ings and how to con­trol them. Tell oth­ers what you like and don’t like. Be open. Trust your mind. Follow your dreams and thoughts.

Realizing you have a prob­lem

Reflect on your­self. Analyze your own feel­ings. Does some­thing make you feel un­com­fort­able, what is it? Locate it, track it down. Accept that you have this prob­lem and men­tally pre­pare your­self for a change.


Talk about your prob­lem, it does­n’t re­ally mat­ter who you talk to as long as it is some­one you can trust. Someone who does­n’t judge you for the things you tell them, some­one who’s ca­pa­ble of lis­ten­ing. Tell them the truth you want them to know, it does­n’t nec­ces­sar­ily have to be the truth you ex­pe­ri­enced, but tell them enough that they can see your prob­lem and sup­port you in mak­ing a change.

Fill the empti­ness

Distract your­self, find joy in small things. Enjoy things you used to en­joy as a child. Find new friends. Become a true fan of your favourite mu­si­cian. Dedicate your life to this fan­dom. Read a book. Listen to calm­ing mu­sic (thats what I am do­ing just as I am writ­ing this piece). Help oth­ers strug­gling with sim­i­lar prob­lems. Get to know your­self bet­ter. Flirt. Write about your ex­pe­ri­ences, your prob­lems, about help­ing other peo­ple. Find out if the il­lu­mi­nati is real (ok, for real now, do they ex­ist?